Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Associates, Oblates and Discerners can join the new Facebook Page! Here's how

We are beginning with the basic Facebook page. the Page as a Secret Group, i.e., no one can see what is on the page unless they are accepted by one of our administrators -- Sue Ann Elite (Nakamoto), Michelle Loftus or Gail Holland.  While all Group Members are encouraged to tell others about the Facebook Group, we must remind you that only SSJD Associates, Oblates and Discerners can be invited to join and have access to the Page.
In order to become a member of our Facebook Group, you must be what is called "invited" and the easiest way for us to do this is for you to establish a Facebook profile.  We know that some of you are reluctant to have anything to do with social media like Facebook as you have several concerns relating to things that you have heard about it (complicated, too many notices, etc.). This Group is a "secret" Group which means that it has the highest level of security available on Facebook,  i.e., no one can see who the members of the group are or what they are posting and you will also notice that there are only Like or Comment buttons under the posts.  Normally there would also be a Share button.  That way as it is simply not possible to share anything from our secret group to anywhere else from inside our group.  It is also very easy to establish your profile,  For these reasons, Sister Helen Claire and Sue Ann who previously hesitated in attempting this challenge agreed to give it a shot.  "The small amount of steps to access the page, are really worth  being able to join with other Associates, Oblates and Discerners in expanding our wonderful community." 

If you already have a Facebook profile and would like to be "invited", please contact any of us -- Sue Ann at saelite@bell.net , Michelle at theloftusguides@gmail.com ,  or Gail at gailhollandajax@icloud.com.

If you are not a member of Facebook, here's the easy instructions on how to do it.
  1. Go to www.facebook.com
  2. You will see at the top in bold letters "Sign Up". Click on it.
  3. Enter your name and your e-mail address.
  4. Enter a password that is NOT your e-mail address
  5. Enter your birth date (you can make up a date as long as you write it down for future reference as you need it to keep your own Facebook secure)
  6. Click on "next" which is on the bottom right.
  7. On the next screen, click on "SKIP" which is in the middle of the page.Congratulations, you are now on Facebook.
  8. Send your name to one of us and we will invite you to the Ward of the Ascension Facebook page.
  9. You will now have access to our wonderful community and we hope that those of you who inspired us to undertake this project. will use and contribute your ideas to the page.

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